
Tuesday, September 29, 2015

The Wrinkled Crown by Anne Nesbet - OPTIONAL

Nesbet, Anne The Wrinkled Crown, 381 pages. HarperCollinsPublishers, 2015.

Language - G (0 swears, 0 "f"), Mature Content - G; Violence - G; 

Linny lives in Lourka, a town high up in the magically wrinkled hills. The instrument lourka, is a special instrument that no girl before the age of twelve can touch or else the Voices will take them to Away. However Linny made a lourka and finished it the day before her twelfth birthday when her best friend Sayra, is taken instead. Linny must go down the hill to where her mother was born, to find medicine that she hopes will help Sayra, but she must get there before Sayra fades away for good. 

I had a hard time getting into the book, I do not think it moved fast enough. So many people kept stopping Linny right before she got what she wanted, that it started to get annoying. Overall the book was okay. 


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