
Tuesday, September 15, 2015

The Water Castle by Megan Blakemore - ADVISABLE

Blakemore, Megan Frazer The Water Castle, 344.  Walker Books for Young Readers and Imprint of Broadway, 2013.   $16.99.  Language: G; Mature Content: G; Violence: G; 

After their father’s severe stroke, siblings Ephraim, Price and Brynn move to their mother’s family home in Maine hoping to help speed his recovery.  As the days unfold, the children discover that the home  and the town of Crystal Springs just may hold secrets that could save their father’s life.  Ephraim has help in unraveling the mystery of the Water Castle from Mallory and Will, two kids with a family history in Crystal Springs as long as Ephraim’s.  Ephraim finds help and eventually friendship in Mallory and Will- and the three of them realize that not only could they find the answers they are looking for, but that their families are connected all against the backdrop of Robert Peary’s historic expedition to the North Pole. 

Engaging story with interesting historical tie-ins.  The author includes resources for learning more about Peary’s expedition as well as those who challenged him.  The story is part history, part science, part mystery; a delightful read leaving the reader wondering at the end.  


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