
Saturday, September 26, 2015

Sheep Go to Sleep by Nancy Shaw-ADVISABLE

Shaw, Nancy E. Sheep Go To Sleep.  Illustrated by Margot Apple. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2015. $16.99.  Picture Book.  Content: G. Five tired sheep try to fall asleep at night. But night noises and sounds scare them. Then someone finally comes to the rescue.  “Sheep bleat. Sheep sign. A trusted collie wanders by.” This sheep dog is willing to do anything to help get all five sheep to sleep.  A hug, a blanket, a drink of water and a lullaby are just a few ways he gets these bleating sheep to sleep. The sheep then sleep peacefully ‘til morning when they arise with the sun.  But where is the sheep dog? In a very cleaver and fun way, this story has the perfect ending!  The illustrations are perfect.  The story is written in rhyme. We enjoyed this book! Pre-K. EL (K-3). ADVISABLE. Reviewer: SL. 

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