
Monday, September 14, 2015

Mom made us write this in the summer by Ali Maier -OPTIONAL

Maier, Ali Mom made us write this in the summer 190 pgs. Erie Island, 2013. $9.95 Content: Language: G; Mature Content: G Violence: G
When twin brother and sister, Maggie and Max, aren’t getting along, so their Mom assigns them the task of writing 12 journal entries.  They must also read and respond to each other’s entries. Examples include a trip to the zoo, the doctor, and the amusement park. They discover things about each other and grow closer.
Honestly, I felt like this was a chore to read. It was an assigned chore for the characters to write it, so I guess I just imagined along with them what it would be like to have to do the same task on my summer break. All I felt was irritation. I also felt like the characters were kind of cliché, the girls loves animals, writing, clothes and the boy likes boy stuff. I see the effort put into the characters realizing how much they appreciate each other, by the end, and I think the goal was met. But I probably won’t be adding this to my library.
EL –OPTIONAL Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

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