
Saturday, August 22, 2015

The Spirit of the Sea by Rebecca Hainnu –OPTIONAL

Hainnu, Rebecca The Spirit of the Sea Inhabit Media, 2014 $16.95  PICTURE BOOK
The telling of the Inuit traditional folktale of the spirit of the sea. It tells the story of a young girl who is highly sought off for marriage but would rather stay single. When a shaman tricks her into marrying him, she wishes for her father to save her. Her wish comes true, but things go very badly.
Beautifully illustrated book, with an appealing cover that should be framed as art on my wall. As much as I love folktales and traditional stories, which often feature strong lessons and harsh realities, but this one might be a bit much for some students, especially younger readers. I would add this to my folktales section rather than my picture book section. It might work with older students doing a unit on folktales but I think there are some school friendly options that I would prefer to use.(Spoiler Alert: There is some cringe worthy slicing off of fingers).

EL–OPTIONAL Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

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