
Saturday, August 8, 2015

Tacky and the Haunted Igloo by Helen Lester - NO

Lester, Helen Tacky and the Haunted Igloo.  PICTURE BOOK.  Houghton Mifflin, 2015.  $17. 

The penguins are excited because this year they are going to have a Hallowwen party with trick-or-treaters and everything.  Tacky is not very helpful – until the hunters arrive to spoil everything.  Then Tacky manages to swoop in and do just what is needed to rid them of their foes.

As much as I love penguins, Tacky confuses me.  Tacky’s contribution to the story didn’t make much sense to me, especially because I don’t understand why Tacky’s costume was able o scare away the hunters.  Can someone explain to me?

NOT RECOMMENDED - Cindy, Library Teacher

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