
Saturday, August 1, 2015

P. Zonka Lays an Egg by Julie Paschkis -- ESSENTIAL

Paschkis, Julie P. Zonka Lays an Egg. PICTURE BOOK. Peachtree Publishers, 2014. $16.95. Content: G.

While P. Zonka's industrious sisters are busy laying boring eggs on a regular basis, this whimsical hen prefers to wander the yard, taking in all the beautiful details around her. Until she's challenged to lay an egg of her own.

This is a gorgeous book that perfectly captures the idea that some things are worth waiting for -- especially true art. Although it could be tied into many areas of the curriculum, P. Zonka Lays an Egg would work especially well in an art or creative writing lesson, to illustrate that creativity often takes time, preparation, observation, and a lot of daydreaming. Picture book or not, it would make a good mini lesson on inspiration for all ages.

Pre-K, EL (K-3) -- ESSENTIAL. Reviewer: Caryn

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