
Friday, August 21, 2015

Nerd Camp by Elissa Brent Weissman - OPTIONAL

Weissman, Elissa Brent Nerd Camp, 261 pgs. Simon & Schuster (Atheneum). 2011. $6.99. Language: G (0 swears); Mature Content: G; Violence: G. 

Gabe loves learning, and reading, and math!  He’s so excited to go to sleepaway camp - The Summer Center for Gifted Enrichment.  Gabe’s dad is getting married at the end of the summer, and his new wife has a son, Zack, who is the same age as Gabe - 10! But Zack is from California and thinks the things Gabe likes are for nerds.  Zack wants to go to sleepaway camp and think Gabe is cool that he gets to go.  So, Gabe has to be careful about what he puts in his letters to Zack. 

Thankfully, the author has avoided type-casting the brainiacs in this camp, they don’t look like or act like “nerds.” Letter writing seems a little old fashioned, especially in a camp with a rocket science class, where’s the technology?  Young characters, a few improbable situations, but overall an enjoyable summer read.  

EL - OPTIONAL  Lisa Librarian

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