
Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Ewoks Join the Fight by MIcbael Siglain-ADVISABLE

Siglain, Michael, ill. By Pilot Studio. Ewoks Join the Fight. Pgs. 32. Disney Hyperion, 2015. EARLY READER

When the Empire’s newest secret weapon, the Death Star, is spotted near the forest moon, Han Solo, Leia, Lue, Chewie, C-3P0, and R2-D2 are sent to investigate. When the group attempts to infiltrate the enemy’s bunker and destroy the Death Star, they are attacked by biker scouts. Leia is separated from them. While trying to find her, the group is captured by some furry warrior creatures known as Ewoks. Are the Ewoks friendly? Where is Leia? Will the group manage to stop the Empire and their new weapon?

The text, though simple, brings to life the characters with ease and draws the reader into the story. The pictures capture the character well, especially the adorable, but feisty little Ewoks. Fans of Star Wars, science fiction, animals, and space, will enjoy reading this easy reader with the help of a parent. EL (K-3). ADVISABLE. Reviewer: Kira M, Youth Services Librarian, WHI Public Library.

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