
Friday, August 21, 2015

Claude at the Beach by Alex T. Smith- ESSENTIAL

Smith, Alex T. Claude at the beach. Illustrated by Ben Clanton. CHAPTER BOOK. Peachtree Publishers, Ltd., 2014. $12.95. Content: G.

This book is about an English dog named Claude. One day Claude decides to go to the beach with his best friend Sir Bobblysock who is actually a sock. When they get to the beach they run into some trouble. What will the beach adventure bring? Read this book to find out what happens- perhaps there is a treasure chest involved?

I thought this books illustrations were very creative. They made me feel happy. I liked how there weren’t an overwhelming amount of words on each page. The author kept it short and sweet. I really liked this book.

EL (K-3). ESSENTAL Student reviewer  JL age 11

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