
Saturday, August 15, 2015

Aaron Loves Apples and Pumpkins by P.D. Eastman -- ADVISABLE

Eastman, P.D. Aaron Loves Apples and Pumpkins. EARLY READER. Random House, 2015. $3.99. Content: G.

From playing football, to dressing up for Halloween, to picking apples, Aaron loves autumn. Unfortunately, the accident-prone alligator doesn't always come out of his many experiences unscathed. Good thing he takes his mishaps well!

Aaron's laid-back attitude and willingness to keep trying set a good example for young readers. Many will find his misadventures and obliviousness amusing, especially when paired with the author's tongue-in-cheek voice. The title doesn't completely correlate with the story itself, and many of the illustrations have an old-fashioned feel -- perhaps because this is adapted from a title originally published in 1967. Still, it did age well and would be fun for a read-aloud or as an addition to a leveled library or, say, a first-grade classroom's free reading bin.

Pre-K, EL (K-3) -- ADVISABLE. Reviewer: Caryn

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