
Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Neverland by Shari Arnold - ESSENTIAL

Arnold, Shari Neverland, 358 pages.  CreateSpace, 2015.  Content: G.

Livvy, 17, is still grieving her little sister’s death from leukemia.  She still comes to the children’s hospital to read to the others, especially from her favorite book, Peter Pan.  Livy’s mother is a Washington State Senator in the throes of a re-election campaign; her father has withdrawn into his home office and rarely utters a word.  Livy, however, has everything under control, so she thinks.  So she only has friend from her high school that she still speaks to.  Enter James Hale, her new tutor who seems determined to help Livy see the world in a new light.  And Meyer – a quiet boy in a hoodie who has unplumbed depths and an air that draws Livy to him.  Both of them have views of the world to show Livy – but are they with her or against her? 

Yes, there is a magical element to this novel – how can there not be with a book about Peter Pan involved.  But instead of Livy being mentally ill or a dupe, the message in this novel is of hope and joy.  This has to be the best self-published novel I have ever read.  Kudos to you Shari Arnold!

MS, HS – ESSENTIAL.  Cindy, Library Teacher

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