
Monday, July 13, 2015

Moving Target by Christina Gonzalez - OPTIONAL

Gonzalez, Christina Diaz Moving Target, 248 pages.  Scholastic Press, September 2015.  Content: G.

First Cassie’s dad drags her out of school because he is worried that someone is after them.  Then he gets shot, warns Cassie that she is the actual target.  Cassie takes refuge with her friend Simone, but the pair have to flee.  With only a few clues, Cassie finds a pair of supporters and learns that she is genetically a possible handler of the Spear of Destiny, a tool that was controlled by Charlemagne and Hitler.  Cassie must flee in order to stay ahead of her pursuers and she decides that she should find the Spear herself.  But one of the two helping her is actually working for the other side.  Can she survive the betrayal?

I apologize for the confusing summary – this was a very confusing book for me to read, so trying to describe it to you is a difficult task.  It does have plenty of danger and excitement.  Younger students who like mysteries may enjoy this.

EL, MS – OPTIONAL.  Cindy, Library Teacher

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