
Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Happy Birthday, Cupcake! by Terry Border - ESSENTIAL

Border, Terry Happy Birthday, Cupcake! PICTURE BOOK.  Philomel (Penguin), 2015.  $18.  Content: G.

It’s Cupcake’s birthday and she wants to have a great party to celebrate with all of her friends.  Each idea, however, is shot down as different problems come up (ie, the beach is so hot that many of her friends may melt).  She becomes more and more discouraged until she arrives home and discovers that her friends already had the party all planned.  Surprise!

With wire arms and legs and a few props, Border creates a visual treat (no pun intended) along with a fun story.  Teachers should use these as an example of what a diorama could be.  This is one of many excellent examples of this type of art and if I taught elementary school I would want to do entire art unit , if not a whole year or art, planning and making a classroom story using these kinds of books as inspiration.  This takes playing with your food to a whole new, higher, level. 

Pre-K, EL (K-3), EL – ESSENTIAL.  Cindy, Library Teacher

FYI - Look at Terry Border's blog, which is chock full of more bent object fun!

Check out the adorable BuzzFeed article where Terry has constructed scenes based on some of the most famous children’s books.

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