
Sunday, June 7, 2015

To the Sea by Cale Atkinson -- ADVISABLE

Atkinson, Cale To the Sea. PICTURE BOOK. Disney-Hyperion, 2015. $16.99. Content: G.

Tim feels invisible until he finds a whale washed up on shore. When he and the whale are the only ones to notice each other, they form a friendship. But Tim knows that whales belong in the ocean, and he's determined to save his friend -- even if the dangerous plan he comes up with puts Tim himself at risk.

This is a lovely story with strong, bold illustrations, a hopeful ending, and a nice message about appreciating one's friends. Some children may find the scene where Tim nearly drowns a little distressing, so adult guidance might be helpful.

Pre-K, EL (K-3) -- ADVISABLE. Reviewer: Caryn.

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