
Saturday, June 27, 2015

The True Story of Jack & the Beanstalk by Shurtliff - ADVISABLE

Shurtliff, Liesl Jack The True Story of Jack & the Beanstalk, 292 pages.  Alfred A, Knopf, 2015. $16.99.  Language:  G(0 swears); Mature Content: G; Violence: PG.

This book is about a young boy named Jack.  Jack's pa is taken by giants when they come to his land from above.   Jack being the brave boy he is. goes after. Using giant beans he is able to climb a bean stalk to the world above. The giant world is in extreme famine, and nothing will grow. There he is confronted by chickens the size of his house, pixies with venomous bites, and greedy giants.  When his sister joins him things get even more wild as they join together on a quest to find their father, and prevent the giants from stealing from them.

I really liked how fun and engaging this book was.  There was never a dull moment.  Shurtliff really has a way of making her readers feel anxious while still keeping the story fun and exciting.  The book really had some interesting views on greed and what it can do to people.  I liked how it didn't paint all the giants as bad guys.   At the beginning of the book Jack thought all giants were bad.  As he met more and more giants he realized that there are many good giants and that we shouldn't judge someone based on their size.  I liked this book and I would recommend it to anyone who wants a good, adventurous read.


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