
Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Splat the Cat: I Scream for Ice Cream by Laura Driscoll - OPTIONAL

Driscoll, Laura  Splat the Cat: I Scream for Ice Cream  Illustrated by Rick Farley and Robert Eberz  Harper, 2015.  $16.99  EARLY READER  Content: G.   

Splat and his school class are going on a field trip to an ice cream factory.  While there, Splat accidentally bumps a button that causes ice cream to overflow throughout the factory.  The cats lose their mouse friend, Seymour, so they have to clean up (mostly eat) all the ice cream until they find him.   

Splat the Cat is adorable, and the illustrations are attractive and bright.  There is between 3-5 lines of text per page and the words see a bit complicated for first time readers.  As cute as Splat is, the storyline was a bit out there and not as well done as other Splat the Cat books.  This book didn’t really hold my sons' attention.   

EL (K-3)-OPTIONAL.  Reviewer, C. Peterson.

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