
Friday, June 26, 2015

Running out of Night by Sharon Lovejoy –OPTIONAL

Lovejoy, Sharon Running out of Night 304 pgs, Delacorte Books for Young Readers, 2015. $16.99 Content: Language: PG (3 swears); Mature Content: G Violence: PG
When a mistreated girl runs away with an escaped slave girl, they are risking their lives in their run for freedom. They are chased by the girls father and brothers as well as many marauding slave catchers. Every time they find a mote of safety, it comes crashing down. With the help of Quakers and even other escaping slaves, they are able to keep their hopes up and continue, forging an unforgettable friendship.
I wanted to like this story, what library doesn’t love great historical fiction? I honestly think some readers may find it offensive to compare a bad home life of a white girl to the unending misery of the life of a slave girl. The story seems very long, and though the twists and turns add interest, they would a ton of hurdles for young readers. It’s a bit of a long read for an educator to use as a read-aloud, though the Quaker component of the underground railroad is interesting. Might work best for a middle school library, due to the violence level. 

MS  –OPTIONAL  Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

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