
Friday, June 26, 2015

Pulled Under by Michelle Dalton - ADVISABLE

Dalton, Michelle Sixteenth Summer: Pulled Under, 250 pgs. Simon Pulse (Simon & Schuster), 2014. Language - PG (16 swears, 0 "f"), Sexual Content - PG; Violence - G; 

Summer at Pearl Beach is as much about the locals as it is about the tourists, the difference is that locals have more fun. This summer, Local-Izzy does her best to transform Tourist-Ben into Local-Ben. However, the end of the summer is looming and it's time for Izzy to either go big taking risks or go home as shy and insecure as she always has been. 

I loved reading this book so much. Izzy's story is more than just a summer fling, it's about becoming the great person you don't yet know you are and fighting for the things that matter to you. Don't give up because it's easy--when something is easier said than done, it's worth the effort. And--bonus--this book had me literally laughing out loud on more than one occasion. Dalton is very witty and captures real life awkwardness very accurately. 

HS - ADVISABLE. Reviewer: Carolina Herdegen

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