
Friday, June 26, 2015

Build a Boyfriend by Kiki Jones –GIFT

Jones, Kiki Build a Boyfriend 26 pgs, Price Stern Sloa; 2015. $9.99  Content: Language: G (0 swears); Mature Content: G Violence: G
This book features changeable pages that cutS a plethora of cute teenage boys into thirds: hair, eyes/nose, and mouth. Readers can flip the pages to create 1,728 different combintations in order to find their perfect boyfriend. On the reverse side of each part, there is a little tidbit, like mischievous eyes, or a smile that features “luscious lips that whisper secrets in my ear”.
I think this is a great book for a gift for a pre-teen, they would spend hours pouring over this, probably taking it very seriously. Teens would think it was hilarious and probably enjoy making some silly combos. But I think it is not appropriate for a school library, nor would it hold up well for checkout in a public library. (though the teen area might have a table this would be fun to feature without checkout).

MS, HS  – GIFT Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

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