
Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Wangari Maathai: The woman who planted millions of trees by Franck Prevot– ADVISABLE

Prevot, Franck Wangari Maathai: The woman who planted millions of trees Charlesbridge, 2015. $17.95 PICTURE BOOK/NON-FICTION
The biography of Wangari Matthai, Nobel Peace Prize winner of 2004. A resident of Kenya, she was born in a period of time where women's rights and the rights of the native Kenyans were nearly non-existent. She persevered and gained her education, gaining a passion for protecting the environment of Kenya and eventually for political activism. Through her efforts over 30 million of trees were planted in thirty years. Features bright yet vague illustrations.  
This book is fantastic. I was incredibly inspired, wow what a life! The passion, determination and intelligence of this amazing women shines through in the text of this biography. Its appropriate and understandable for 3 grade plus and would be a stellar edition to your collection of strong groundbreaking women. The illustrations are terrible though, failing miserably to show off the beauty of the woman and the vivid country she fought for. Includes photographs, a map, and a timeline in the back.  
MS  –ADVISABLE Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

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