
Thursday, May 28, 2015

My Religion, Your Religion by Lisa Bullard –ADVISABLE

Bullard, Lisa My Language, Your Language Millbrook Press, 2015. $6.99 PICTURE BOOK
This book follows a young boy as he learns about religion. When he is invited to a church service at a synagogue by a friend turning 13, he worries he won’t know what to do. His dad helps him out and soon the boy is wondering about their own religion as well. He also meets people that don’t follow a religion, a Buddhist babysitter, and more.
This is a great book to start a discussion on the religions of the world, without delving too deeply. Despite the heavy topic, it manages to keep a youthful main character voice, and a childlike curiosity. It’s a perfect book for the school library as it features many religions and what is alike and different. The illustrations are simple and harmonious.
EL(K-3)  –ADVISABLE Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

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