
Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Maisy's Plane by Lucy Cousins - OPTIONAL

Cousins, Lucy  Maisy’s Plane  Candlewick Press, 2014.  $5.99  BOARD BOOK  Content: G.   

Maisy the mouse is driving her propeller plane to a party.  She says hello to the sun, clouds and a friend in a hot air balloon.  Then she lets out a banner off the back of her plane that wishes her friend, Eddie a happy birthday.  She lands her plane and joins the birthday party.  

 In typical Maisy style, the illustrations are bright cartoons with easy to read text.  The storyline felt a little disjointed and the reader needed to have a prior knowledge of the characters in Maisy’s world to appreciate what was going on.  But the fun airplane ride and cute pictures will still appeal to younger audiences.   

PREK-OPTIONAL.  Reviewer, C. Peterson.

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