
Monday, May 18, 2015

Lost in Paris by Cindy Callaghan - OPTIONAL

Callaghan, Cindy Lost in Paris, 165 pages.  Simon Mix, 2015.  $8.  Content: G. 

Gwen is off the Paris for a week for her older brothers’ lacrosse tournament.  Her plans for sightseeing with her mother for the trip are dashed when her mom has to act as chaperone for the team, but a family friend is happy to pick up the slack.  Then Gwen finds out that not only is her favorite band in the world, Shock Value, having a concert that week, but they are also having a scavenger hunt for front row tickets and backstage passes.  Let the hilarity ensue.

This time Callaghan has gone for maximum wackiness and unbelievability in her tale of a girl in a foreign country. The side characters have outrageous personalities that are huge distractions from the story line, which is too bad because the idea is solid and would have worked without the extra helping of kookiness. 

MS – OPTIONAL.  Cindy, Library Teacher 

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