
Saturday, May 23, 2015

Identify and Evaluate Advertising by Valerie Bodden-ADVISABLE

Bodden, Valerie, Identify and Evaluate Advertising. pgs. 40. Lerner Publishing, 2015. $30.65. INFORMATION

What is advertising? How do they work at persuading us? How does one distinguish fact from opinion and evaluate different biases? This book answers these questions and more in this guide.

This book as well as the others in the series a great addition to a common core non-fiction collection. The layout is great, the information is useful. The use of examples as well as tips and instruction on how ads work, figuring out biases, and how to discern articles from ads are just a few steps the author talks about. Easily tied back into the “Big 6” and other common core methods and standards, readers will have an easy following this book and teachers will be able to use it in their classroom instruction. Included are a glossary, index, further information sources, and a selected bibliography for further exploration. EL, MS. ESSENTIAL. Reviewer: Jessica Moody, Library Media Specialist, Olympus Jr. High.

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