
Saturday, May 23, 2015

Hiro and tadashi by Brittany Candau-ADVISABLE

Candau, Brittany, ill. By Jeffrey Clark, Scott Tilley, and Lori Tyminski. Hiro and Tadashi. pgs. 28. Disney Hyperion, 2014. PICTURE BOOK.

When Hiro and Tadashi enter a friendly competition with some classmates from Tadashi’s technology school, the two try to create an awesome, perfect invention. The two are having a hard time, however, agreeing on one to create. Will the find one to create that they both like?

The illustrations are colorful and detailed. The text in simple, but engaging. The two also complement each other well and entertain the reader in a fun way. Young children will enjoy having this read aloud to them or reading it on their own. PreK, EL (K-3). ADVISABLE. Reviewer; Jessica M, Library Media Specialist, Olympus Jr. High.

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