
Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Following Flora by Natasha Farrant - OPTIONAL

Farrant, Natasha Following Flora, 256 pgs. The penguin Group, 2014. $16.99. Language: PG (11 swears, mostly diety); Mature Content: PG; Violence: PG.  

Blue has a new camera, and has moved from just filming her family, to filming events! Zoran is living on his own now, Blue’s parents are around a lot more, and an au pair is no longer necessary.  When Blue is asked to film Zoran’s piano recital, she captures the moment when Flora and Zach first see each other.  It’s love at first sight, but maybe she went too far when she uploaded the moment to Youtube.  Plus, Jake wants to be Blue’s boyfriend, but he sure isn’t acting like one. 

The second in the series, is better than After Iris.  The transcripts incorporate better, although some are scripts for imagined situations and some are film transcripts.  The story had much more promise, but turned improbable toward the end.  

MS - OPTIONAL Lisa Librarian

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