
Friday, May 22, 2015

Counting Crows by Kathi Appelt - ADVISABLE

Appelt, Kathi  Counting Crows  Illustrated by Rob Dunlavey  Atheneum, 2015  $17.99  PICTURE BOOK  Content: G.   

While counting up to twelve, adorable little crows in red striped sweaters do all sorts of fun things.  They sit in a tree, build a nest, sit on the phone lines, eat food, caw together and sit on a park bench.  When a cat comes along they all take to flight.   

This is an adorable counting book that rhymes.  The pictures are grey and white pencil drawings, except for the red sweaters on the black crows.  The crows are super cute and the rhyming makes it a fun read aloud.  My five year old wanted to count all the crows on each page as they did their different activities.  Super cute book.  

 PREK, EL (K-3)-ADVISABLE.  Reviewer, C. Peterson. 

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