
Monday, May 18, 2015

Anywhere but Paradise by Anne Bustard - OPTIONAL

Bustard, Anne Anywhere but Paradise, 288 pages.  Egmont, 2015.  $17.  Violence: PG (bullying); Mature Content: G; Language: G.

Peggy Sue and her family have moved to Hawaii, where her father was earlier stationed as a soldier.  The transition is not easy, especially when one of the girls at her new school takes n instant dislike to the haole girl and proceeds to make Peggy Sue’s life as miserable as possible.  Hula lessons help ease the pain a bit, but Peggy Sue is still worried about “kill haole day” on the last day of school. 

Bustard has written an interesting peek at life on the Islands in the 1960’s. just after Hawaii became the 50th state.  While it will not have a large audience, the historical context is interesting and Peggy Sue’s struggles will interest those who are looking for more than adventure or romance. 

MS – OPTIONAL.  Cindy, Library Teacher 

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