
Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Animal Pollinators by Jennifer Boothroyd –ADVISABLE

Boothroyd, Jennifer Animal Pollinators 24 pgs. Lerner, 2015. $14.99
A simple and easy explanation of what pollen is, what it creates, how a flower gets pollinated and a focus on different kinds of pollinators. Includes well chosen photographs on every single page. Also includes a glossary and index.
This very basic science concept book would be great for an instructional unit when used in conjunction with a teachers introduction. Students will enjoy the many photographs of animals that love to eat sweet tasting nectar.  This book is quite small, easy to hold for younger students hands. I would use books like this for lessons on index, glossary, and Table of Contents.
EL(K-3)  –ADVISABLE Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

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