
Monday, April 6, 2015

The Tiny Wish by Lori Evert -- OPTIONAL

Evert, Lori The Tiny Wish, photographed by Per Breiehagen. PICTURE BOOK. Random House, 2015. $17.99. Content: G.

A curious girl named Anja wishes to be small so she can see the mountain springtime in a whole new way. When a bird grants her wish, she has a great time exploring her new world, but how will she get back to her regular size again?

Some readers may find this one enchanting, although too many of the photos came across as contrived or clumsy. While the story was serviceable, it was quite long and the "Was it real or just a dream?" ending feels like a very overdone copout.

Pre-K, EL (K-3) -- OPTIONAL. Reviewer: Caryn


  1. I actually adored this book and thought that younger students wouldn't notice the only slightly off photoshopping, and be enchanted by the pictures. I love the creativity of the medium and the idea of an adventure with wildlife in such a stunning setting. The student group I read this book to sat in silent awe during the whole story and wanted to write stories about their own adventures if they were suddenly as tiny as a mouse.

  2. How funny, Stephanie! I think we often have similar viewpoints on books, but I just couldn't get into this one, and neither could my daughter or her friend (to whom I read it). I think my main issue with it was the ending, though, because it definitely felt like a copout and it took away some of the magic of it all. It also felt a bit cliched. Perhaps I would have enjoyed it more had I read the book that came before it, though. I might share it with some of my students for another opinion.

    I'm glad you and your students had so much fun with it!
