
Friday, April 17, 2015

School Days Around the World by Margriet Ruurs –ADVISABLE

Ruurs, Margriet School Days Around the World Kids Can Press, 2015. $18.95 PICTURE BOOK/NON-FICTION
This book show us how children in thirteen varied countries experience school. Differences such as the building, the length of the school day, the travel to get there, and the topics of study are explored. The common threads are an excitement for learning and things that are enjoyed about the school day. Featuring collage style illustration in harmonious colors.
This is a wonderful book for lower elementary students, the text is perfect for a read aloud or for students to read on their own. It would be an incredibly fun introduction to a pen pal program or students could create a page of their own about a typical American school day. (though one is featured in the book, the girls are homeschooled in Alaska, so its far from typical). The pages are quite large and the artwork is adorable.
EL(K-3)  –ADVISABLE Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

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