
Monday, April 20, 2015

Nobody’s Perfect by David Elliott –ADVISABLE

Elliott, David Nobody’s Perfect Candlewick, 2015. $16.99 PICTURE BOOK
This book takes the phrase “Nobody’s Perfect” and illustrates the truth of it. A little boy shows us how not a single person he knows is actually perfect, but sometimes its those very faults that we enjoy about them. An example of this, is his little sister being loud, its not perfect expected behavior, but its fun sometimes.
This book does an excellent job of showing the reader, in the most simple of sentences and images that being flawed is ok and that no one is truly perfect. It has scribbly illustrations that aren’t my favorite, but are still bright and inviting. I do sort of wish their was some reason that boy was exploring the saying, like he idolized someone he thought was perfect, like a book superhero or something.
PRE-K, EL(K-3) –ADVISABLE Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

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