
Monday, April 27, 2015

Freedom Summer by Susan Goldman Rubin - ADVISABLE

Rubin, Susan Goldman Freedom Summer: The 1964 Struggle for Civil RIghts in Mississippi, 120 pgs. NON FICTION Holiday House, 2014. $18.95.  Language: G; Mature Content: G; Violence: PG13 (on page murder). 

The Summer of 1964 brought a group of white freedom fighters to Mississippi.  Their mission was to help black adults register to vote, set up schools called “Freedom Schools” and assist in the civil rights movement. They knew the job would be dangerous and difficult, but Mississippi proved deadly as well. When 3 civil rights activists are missing, and probably murdered, the federal government gets involved.  But the work continues despite this tragedy, thousand of students take advantage of the schools, and while voter registration is low (due to fear of retaliation) the summer is a political and progressive success.  

Well documented with many references from people who participated in the movement.    The page count is just right, not too heavy for a middle school student, and the older researcher will find the information well presented, thorough and readable.  Complete with photographs, copies of primary source documents, a timeline, bibliography and index this is a valuable resource for students looking at this era.  MS, HS - ADVISABLE  Lisa Librarian

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