
Saturday, April 18, 2015

Drama Queens in the House by Julie Williams - Public

Williams, Julie Drama Queens in the House, 426 pgs. Roaring Book Press, 2014. $17.99. Language: PG13 (46 swears 0 Fs); Mature Content: PG13 (homosexuality, sexual discussions) Violence: PG. 

Fifteen year old Jessie just graduated from high school and is hoping something exciting happens in her life.  Raised in a theater family, her home is a mix of talent, races and abilities.  Her big graduation party is a huge success until she catches her dad cheating on her mom, with a man. Now everything is different.  Within a few weeks, Dad and his boyfriend have moved back in and are living in the attic, mom may be having a fling with an old friend, a crazy aunt sends missionaries to their home preaching the world will end when the Mayan calendar expires.   

This novel reads like a farce; situations stack until everything is chaos.  So many people living at her house, so many theater cliches. There are too many stereotypes: Gay costumer, diva actress, director who sleeps around, eccentric choreographer. Pa-leeze!  The plot line is so scattered I'm exhausted.  Too many sub plots. Public Only Lisa Librarian

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