
Monday, April 20, 2015

Birthday Rules by Laurie Friedman -NO

Friedman, Laurie Birthday Rules Carolrhoda Books, 2015. $16.99 PICTURE BOOK
A little boy takes through his rules about what should happen on your birthday, including a party, presents, cake, looking good, and that Today is all about you. It ends with a poem about growing older.
This book only works for kids who have the ability to have it all on their birthday, a big party with presents and food and friends. Not every child or every family can provide this. I didn’t enjoy how it promotes an ego-centric mindset for kids: Today is all about you! There are a ton of words that make it difficult for a young reader or even a child listening to the story being read: Prophetic, wondrous, benefits, mantra, and many more. I don’t think students will care for the growing older poem at the end, it felt like a lecture from a grownup. The illustrations are fun and bright and cute, with harmonious colors and a slight hint of collage.
EL(K-3)  –NOT RECOMMENDED Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

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