
Friday, April 10, 2015

Betsy's Story, 1934 by Adele Whitby -- ADVISABLE

Whitby, Adele Betsy's Story, 1934 (Secrets of the Manor), 154 pgs. Simon Spotlight (Simon & Schuster), 2015. $6.99. Content: G.

Just before her twelfth birthday, Betsy Northrup discovers her mother is keeping secrets. Then rumors and mishaps begin to plague Chatswood Manor, her home. Betsy knows it's up to her to solve the problems once and for all. She's pretty sure she knows who's responsible, but how to prove her suspicions?

The beginning is a little slow, and the plot would likely be easy for more astute and/or older readers to figure out. Still, the use of a mystery within the historical setting is unique and interesting, and Betsy is a fun character to follow. This would be especially good for fans of the series or for those who enjoy historical fiction. While this book is part of a series and reading the first stories would be helpful, Betsy's Story, 1934 does stand on its own just fine -- other than a cliffhanger ending, of course.

EL -- ADVISABLE. Reviewer: Caryn.

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