
Monday, April 6, 2015

Ballerina Dreams by Michaela and Elaine DePrince -- ESSENTIAL

DePrince, Michaela and Elaine Ballerina Dreams: From Orphan to Dancer, illustrated by Frank Morrison. EARLY READER. Step Into Reading (Random House), 2014. $3.99. Content: G.

This autobiography describes the life of acclaimed teenage ballerina Michaela DePrince. An orphan of the war in Africa's Sierra Leone, Michaela defied the odds and achieved her dream of becoming a professional dancer. She now encourages others to fulfill their own dreams.

Michaela's story is inspiring, and the wealth of illustrations and details will appeal to ballet enthusiasts. Her insistence that hard work and persistence must be paired with a dream is also wonderful. Would be a helpful resource for a student's biographical paper or other research project.

EL -- ESSENTIAL. Reviewer: Caryn

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