
Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Balancing Act by Ellen Walsh - OPTIONAL

Walsh, Ellen Stoll, Balancing Act, PICTURE BOOK. Simon & Schuster. 2015. $7.99

Two mice discover that it is fun to balance. Using a long stick and a rock, the two find perfect balance. That is until a salamander decides to join in. Along with a second salamander, two frogs and a big bird, the two mice continue to gain balance and lose their balance over and over. Alas, the stick breaks under the weight of all their friends, and their friends decide to go home. But the mice aren’t done yet. Using one half of the broken twig and a smaller rock…balance yet again.

This was a fun book. The illustrations were cute, and there were lots of “oh, no!” moments making the book exciting for young readers. The book is small, durable, and easy to take along in the car or on stroller rides. What I like about this book is that the pictures do a great job telling the story making it a great a book for my 18 month-old to pick up and “read” all by herself.

Pre-K --- OPTIONAL. Reviewer: Rebecca H.

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