
Thursday, April 23, 2015

Accidentally Evil by Lara Chapman - ADVISABLE

Chapman, Lara Accidentally Evil, 212 p. Aladdin Mix (Simon), 2015.  $8.  Content: G (some danger, but nothing graphic).  

Hallie is excited for her second year at Dawling Academy for Witches.  Not only does she get to room with her best friend, but she will learn much more about her magic powers and her destiny.  She also has been emailing with Cody all summer and looks forward to seeing him at the Dowling/Riley mixers.  Too bad Kendall is still at Dowling to torture her.  Plus Kendall is still tight with Zena, the daughter of Dowling’s headmistress.  When Hallie finds out that both she and Kendall are possible candidates for the next High Priestess, she knows it is going to be a battle royale.  

This book is entirely too short to be satisfying!  It only covers the school year up to Halloween!  Ugh!  I hope that book #3 is almost ready to be published!

Cindy, Middle School Librarian, MLS.

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