
Friday, April 17, 2015

Abe Lincoln: His Wit and Wisdom from A-Z by Alan Schroeder –ESSENTIAL

Schroeder, Alan Abe Lincoln: His Wit and Wisdom from A-Z  Holiday House, 2015. $17.95 PICTURE BOOK/NON-FICTION

This fantastic book takes the reader through the alphabet of Abe’s life from his experience, his accomplishments, his last meal, his children, personal tidbits, his family, and more. One example is under D for Dream, Abe dreamed he would be assassinated. Another example is G for the Gettysburg Address. Throughout the entire book are amazing quotes of advice from Lincoln himself. The illustrations are creative, varied, and detailed.

Well this one is going right into the collection without delay. What a fun way for students to learn more about Abe Lincoln! I learned a TON from reading this book, and students from grades 3+ could read on their own, though a younger grade teacher could read selections aloud to their class without the need to altering the words. I think students will love to look at all the tiny creative and sometimes silly pictures. An upper grade teacher could ask each student to choose a quote and write a short essay about its meaning.

EL(K-3), EL –ESSENTIAL Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

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