
Friday, April 17, 2015

A Doll for Marie by Louise Fatio - ADVISABLE

Fatio, Louise A Doll for Marie, illustrated by Roger Duvoisin. PICTURE BOOK.   Alfred A. Knopf, 1957 Language: (0 swears, 0 “f”); Mature Content-G; Violence: G;

This is a reprint of the classic book printed in 1957.  An antique doll sits in a Paris antique shop lonely with no one to play with.  A little girl who lives in poverty stares at her each and every day on her way to school wishing she could play with her.  A woman comes into the shop one day and purchases her.  She takes her home and to the dolls dismay gets placed on top of the piano with not a single child to play with.  The cat’s curiosity knocked the doll off her perch and the dog drags her outside.  He fight with another dog and her precious red silk dress gets ripped off.  The girl on her way home from school discovers the doll lying in the street in her underwear.  She lovingly takes her home, sews her new clothes and loves her like any doll should be loved by a sweet child. 

A charming classic that any little girl should read.

EL(K-3) - ADVISABLE Emilee-Teacher Librarian

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