
Thursday, March 12, 2015

Yoko Finds Her Way by Rosemary Wells-OPTIONAL

Wells, Rosemary, Yoko Finds Her Way.  Disney Hyperion, 2014. $16.99. PICTURE BOOK.

Yoko and her Mama are on their way to Japan. On their way to the Airport, Yoko’s mama reminds her to check the signs in order to find her way. When Yoko goes to the restroom, she gets lost, but she knows to find the police person at the desk. Mama, however, goes in search of Yoko and gets lost as well. Will the two find each other?

The story is simple and cute and the illustrations are bright and colorful. The signs up above the story, however, that are supposed to correspond with the parts of the story don’t always match and are confusing. Due to this fact, it would be hard to use to learn specific signs, but might make a good introduction to symbols and signs for children. Fans of Wells’ books and Yoko, however, will enjoy reading this book or having it read to them either way. PreK, EL (K-3). OPTIONAL. Reviewer: Kira M, Youth Services Librarian, WHI Public Library.

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