
Wednesday, March 4, 2015

The House that’s your Home by Sally Lloyd -OPTIONAL

Lloyd, Sally The House that’s your Home Schwartz & Wade, 2015. $17.99 PICTURE BOOK
In flowing text, this book describes everything that makes a house a home for one little girl. Her family and pets that live there, her very own room with a window, her things, her garden, her swing in the yard, and that the world is your home too.
This is a super wholesome sweet book with beautiful illustrations. Its very much a book for a middle class typical family with two parents, pets, and a charming home. Maybe as a gift from grandparents to their granddaughter. I think its just abstract enough that it wouldn’t really work for pre-k or even K, for example the use of fiddlehead ferns and referring to the heart as a bed. I do a lesson each year with the special education Kindergarten/First graders on Homes, but not a one of them would relate to this book –coming from diverse backgrounds, family types, and living situations.
EL(K-3) –OPTIONAL Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

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