
Sunday, March 1, 2015

Sally Ride: Life on a Mission by Sue Macy –OPTIONAL

Macy, Sue Sally Ride: Life on a Mission 160 pgs, Aladdin; 2014. $17.99 Content: Language: G (0 swears); Mature Content: PG Violence: G
In this biography of Sally Ride we learn about the inspirational first woman in space. She achieved much success in her life, not only in space travel, but also in hobbies, career accomplishments, and actively encouraging girls to go for education and careers in math and science. Included in this biography is a plethora of information about the social and political climate the Sally grew up and was exposed to.
I eagerly bought this biography a few months ago for students to use in a space pioneers project, and also because she is a top notch role model, but its just too weighty for elementary school. It is almost less about Sally and more about the society and its norms and constraints of her lifetime. I get that the author wanted to show that Sally broke through and overcame many obstacles, but it reads like looking through the lens and agenda of the author instead of a balanced biography. Despite its short length, the content and its presentation is just too complex elementary school readers. There are some black and white pictures included in the center of the book, but overall, the read was very dry.

MS, HS  – OPTIONAL Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

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