
Saturday, March 14, 2015

Kids of Kabul by Deborah Ellis-OPTIONAL

Ellis, Deborah, Kids of Kabul. Pgs. 144. Groundwood Press, 2012. $15.95. INFORMATION. Language: G, Mature Content: PG-13, Violence: PG-13.

Life in other countries is not always easy. It takes courage, hope, and dreams to get through some tough times. In this book, kids from Kabul tell their stories of weathering what dangers and trials life throws at them with hope, courage, and dreams of an education.

A touching, sad book that will make readers everywhere appreciate what they have. With photos, looks into life in Kabul, and stories told with voice like nothing readers have ever seen, this book is recommended for teens who are interested in learning about life in foreign countries or who need to read a non-fiction book for school. MS, HS. OPTIONAL. Reviewer: Jessica Moody, Library Media Specialist, Olympus Jr. High.

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