
Saturday, March 14, 2015

Happy Summerween/The Convenience Store . . .of Horrors! by Samantha Brooke-OPTIONAL

Brooke, Samantha, Happy Summerween/The Convenience Store . . .of Horrors! Disney Hyperion, 2014. $5.99. PICTURE BOOK.

Two stories in one, this book takes place in Gravity Falls, a small town where all creepy things are possible. In the first story, it’s Summerween, Halloween in Summer, because the town has an obsession with Halloween. When Dipper refuses to get into the Summerween spirit, a creature known as the Summerween Trickster shows up at his and Mabel’s house giving them an ultimatum: bring him 500 pieces of candy before the last Jack O’Melon blows out or die. Will they succeed? Will Dipper get into the Summerween spirit? In The Convenience Store story, Mabel and Dipper join Wendy and her friends in breaking into an abandoned convenience store. When the other teenagers start winding up stuck in dangerous, deadly situations, it is up to Dipper to save them all. Will he succeed?

A fun, supernatural picture book for young readers. The story is poorly developed, but entertaining. The characters could use a little more fleshing out, but are likable and entertaining. The illustrations are detailed, colorful, and eye-catching. Kids who enjoy the Gravity Falls tv series or who enjoy supernatural fiction will enjoy reading this picture book or having it read to them. EL (K-3). OPTIONAL. Reviewer: Kira M, Youth Services Librarian, WHI Public Library.

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