
Sunday, March 1, 2015

Clothes Minded (Sew Zoey #11) by Chloe Taylor –ADVISABLE

Taylor, Chloe Clothes Minded (Sew Zoey #11) 158 pgs, SimonSpotlight, 2015. $6.99 Content: Language: G (0 swears); Mature Content: G Violence: G
Zoey has so much going on at school! She is part of starting a fashion club, but when her biggest bully joins, its not as much fun as Zoey hoped. Its taking up a lot of her time to plan activities, when she is busy trying to design an outfit for a professional ice skater. Everyone at school must start doing volunteer hours and Zoey finds she enjoys working at the local animal shelter. Zoey’s friend Kate is starting to date, will Zoey’s behind the scenes involvement harm their friendship?
Although the characters have crushes and have hung out with boys, like in this book Kate is going on a date, its very much G rated, there is no kissing, and the characters decide they aren’t old enough to worry about such things, a lesson that will be appreciated by parents. I like that Zoey doesn't always succeed, I think that’s an important lesson that gets forgotten in the wash of fantasy books, where success abounds, usually with magical help. Zoey faces disappointment, failures, and keeps going!

EL  – ADVISABLE Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.


  1. Did you know that Sew Zoey now has real patterns from McCall's? What a cute idea!

  2. I didn't know that! Very cool! I haven't visited the website for the book yet either. I just try to pair it up for students with the amazing Kiki magazine.
