
Monday, March 30, 2015

Centaur Rising by Jane Yolen - OPTIONAL

Yolen, Jane, Centaur Rising, Henry Holt and Company, LLC. $.16.99.  Content: G.

During a meteor shower, Arianne and her family see what they think is a falling star. A year later, one of their horses gives birth to a baby centaur, and their lives are changed in an instant. The family tries to hide the Kai, the baby centaur, in order to protect him, but their horse-riding clients soon become suspicious. It’s not long before their cover is blown. Now the family must figure out a way to share their miracle while still protecting Kai.

This book was pretty good. I’m a fan of Yolen’s picture books, and I expected this book to be written with the same literary grace. A story about a baby centaur is clearly fantasy, but I found the way the plot played out to be a little unrealistic even for a fantasy novel.  Most of the characters were a bit bland and even cliché. I think early middle school girls who love horses and fantasy will enjoy this book. While not my favorite, I do have to applaud the creativity of the story’s premise. And I will admit that I sat up much later than I would have like just to finish yet another chapter.

MS - OPTIONAL. Reviewer: Rebecca H.

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