
Thursday, March 26, 2015

Bloodwitch by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes - Optional

Atwater-Rhodes, Amelia Bloodwitch, 281pgs. Delacorte Press, 2014. $17.99. Language: 0 swears; Mature content: PG; Violence: PG-13 (suicide and vampire attacks)

Vance Ehecatl is a shape-shifter who has been raised by the vampires who rule the empire of Midnight. When a tragic event causes Vance to flee the only home he has ever known, he must decide who to trust and where to seek asylum. Vance’s situation begins to change drastically when another shape-shifter declares Vance a Bloodwitch, a most powerful being. A battle now begins for control over Vance and his power as well as the future of the empire.

A story of the supernatural, vampires are the powerful force at the center with other varieties of supernatural creatures submissive to them. The overall story is pleasant, with the main character portrayed in a sympathetic light, however, too many back stories that are hinted at, but not explained. This serves only to muddle the plot with the reader left to assume a more satisfactory conclusion will be reached in future books. Vampire novels are a tired genre and while this book is an enjoyable read, it will be quickly lost among so many other adequate efforts.


1 comment:

  1. I've been weeding, and almost pulled all my remaining Atwater-Rhodes titles. Vampire books do not circulate at all anymore.
